Fill Your Social Calendar with the Right Kind of Content

October 30, 2019 Advertising Questions

It’s easy to set up a business social media page, but it can be a lot harder to come up with quality content. Creating a social calendar will help take some of the stress out of managing your social pages. Make sure the tone of your post topics reflect your business and your customers. Still not sure what to write? Here are three types of posts that will engage your customers and help to build your brand.

Customer feedback- If you get a good review, share it! Lots of people will share negative feedback, but few will share a good experience. It’s up to you to amplify the good to your customer base. If you don’t have a formal review to share, share a positive comment made at a register, someone’s excitement at finding the perfect gift, a funny encounter you had with a customer. All good ways to encourage people to come into your store.

Information about your suppliers- If you do business with other local companies, or do business with someone who has an interesting story, share it! More and more, people want to know about the products and people in their supply chain. This is also a great opportunity to create some cooperative social opportunities with those other companies.

Local news and events- Do you belong to a chamber of commerce, or downtown association? Trade Group? Occasional updates about local issues or events can be valuable to your customers. Also, your involvement and/or expertise will establish your business in the community.

Your social pages are a way to stay in contact with current and future customers. Make sure you keep the conversation interesting.